
Gateway City Vente en ligne

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SKU: FR-7364731568164 Catégories : ,


Gateway City

Gateway City takes us to St. Louis, Missouri in the 1920s. In the middle of a citywide gang war, visitors from much further east than Chicago decide to take the Rome of the West for themselves. Private investigator « Lundy » Lundqvist finds himself caught between the ambition of a crooked senator, the ire of deadly mobsters and the machinations of alien invaders. Can Lundy save himself and his city?


Originally hailing from eastern Missouri, Russell Mark Olson is a Portsmouth, UK based comic book writer and artist who began publishing Gateway City in 2016. Since this time Russell Mark Olson has been lucky enough to collaborate with a number of writers and publishers including Cult Empire, AccentUK and Mad Robot. Russell Mark Olson draws inspiration from the EC bullpen of the 1950s, Milton Caniff, Alex Toth and black & white cinema.

When not writing and drawing comics Russell Mark Olson enjoys teaching about the art and history of comic book storytelling and drawing – providing tailored workshops and lectures to children and adults. Russell Mark Olson’s experience has furthermore led him to offer creative consultation for exhibitions and presentations.

Yet sequential art is not Russell Mark Olson’s only love and his co-founding of The Gilded Boar Studios allows him to illustrate the macabre and pan-historical work of the wordsmith Phil Breach.

Russell Mark Olson prides himself on attention to historical detail in his work and so it is perhaps of no surprise that when not busy at the drawing board, or hunched over a sketchbook, he can be found visiting National Trust properties or rummaging around junk-shops for old photographs, maps and curios.